
Projects from _ soil & groundwater ~

Year 2015


A small anniversary!!!

In October 2015 we conducted our 50th Thermal-Response-Test. A big thank you to all our loyal customers for your trust! We are looking forward to further explore the ground for the geothermal energy  with our competence and reliability for you.


Exploratory Analysis according to german legislation (BBodSchV)

of two former landfills in Aichach-Friedberg, coordination and supervision of remediation and sampling, evaluation of analysis, hazard assessment with respect to the exposure pathways soil-water, soil-agricultural plant and soil-human.


Landfill in Legau – Detailed Survey

Technical suport and supervision during the construction of 3 grundwater- and 2 soil air monitoring points. Thereafter: sampling of groundwater and soil air, preparation of expertise.


Landfill Remediation in Kempten

Technical supervision, sampling and chemical analysis in the laboratory, preparation of a waste management concept in cooperation with responsible authorities, documentation.


Historical survey – Military Training Site Füssen

Investigation and Evaluation of available documentation, multitemporal maps- and aerial images, oral history interviews, preparation of a contaminant register.


Deconstruction of the Former Textiles Factory, Kempten – Geotechnical Site Management

Geotechnical consulting, drill cores and sampling of potentially contaminated or hazardous materials, classification according to waste management legislation, waste management, communication with authorities.


Water Protection Area Donautal, Ehingen – Report on competing land use and contaminated sites

The report summarizes the available information on the competing land use and the contaminated sites in the surrounding areas of the water protection area Ehingen. From the information on the classification of the hazards on subjects of protection in the land register on land use and contaminated sites the hazard for the drinking water extraction at the horizontal filter well Donautal is determined and evaluated.

Water protection area -Ehingen 2 - Boden & Grundwasser - soil & groundwater
Water protection area -Ehingen 2


Dismantling Investigation Grenzwies Skilift

Geotechnical consulting, drill cores of diesel contaminated foundations, classification according to waste management legislation, waste management, communication with authorities.


A new member for the team

Hydrologist Karin Spiegelhalter supports the _boden & grundwasser~ team as a project manager at the office in Sonthofen – Welcome!


New Directive on State-founded Support of Ground-coupled Heat Pumps

From April 1st, 2015 new guidelines for the state-founded support of ground-coupled heat pumps come into effect. The compilation provided by the german heat pump association (Bundesverband Wärmepumpe, bwp) giving an overview, can be found here. The manifold objects of funding and bonuses can be confusing at first sight. To support you in getting the most out of the new directive, we offer you our qualified and professional guidance. We are looking forward to your inquiries!

New Directive on State-founded Support of Ground-coupled Heat Pumps - Staatliche Förderungen ab April 2015 für Wärmepumpensysteme
State-founded Support of Ground-coupled Heat Pumps


Water Protection Area Donautal, Ehingen – Report of the Hydrological Data Basis

The Report summarizes the available information on the geological and hydrological conditions in the area of the Water Protection Area Ehingen. Moreover information on the horizontal filter well, drilling points and groundwater measuring points, wells and level measurements at the receiving water are included. In addition recommendations with respect to the exploring measures are given.



Year 2016

Landfill Site Ruppenmanklitz – Detailed Investigation

Technical project support and construction supervision during percussion drillings and the installation of 3 temporary groundwater monitoring wells in cooperation with GEO4 (see picture). During the exploratory work soil, soil air, and strata water samples were taken by the GEO4 Team and subsequently analysed in the lab. Next steps: key date measurements, potentially groundwater sampling, evaluation of the results and risk evaluation regarding the soil-groundwater and soil-soil air-human dynamic pathways.

Landfill Site Simmerberg – Detailed Investigation

Technical project support and construction supervision during the construction of 3 monitoring wells, expert opinion report: hazard assesment regarding the soil-groundwater dynamic pathway.


…view of the Rhine valley, taken during the lunch break

Panorama view Rhine valley -Geothermal energy - Boden & Grundwasser - soil & groundwater

We have joined the Allgäu brand as a partner!

Logo Marken Partner

We are looking forward to support the ecologically, socially and economically sustainable development of the Allgäu area.

Technical Supervision – Reconstruction of canal and water pipe system in  Ronsberg.

Sampling of soil, chemical analysis in the laboratory, evaluation of the results according to german waste legislation, recommendation for the waste disposal according to german legislation .

Contaminant Survey

Contaminant surveys in two landmarked buildings previous to restoration and decontamination.

Knowledge Transfer Geothermal Heat

Talk by Dr. Rainer Klein during the „Praxisforum Erdwärme“ on 24th February 2016 in Offenburg as part of the program of the „Fachmesse Geotherm 2016“. Experiences and appreciation of the automatic sealing surveillance in Baden-Württemberg The slides are available here. (german)

Water Protection Area Donautal, Ehingen

Installation of data loggers for

the continuous measurement of the water level and temperature at groundwater and receiving water monitoring sites.

Wasserschutzgebiet_Ehingen - Water Protection Area Donautal, Ehingen 3- Boden & Grundwasser - soil & groundwater _2
Water protection area Ehingen 3










Year 2017

Training according to DVGW 120-2:

Automatic sealing control of geothermal drilling using the CEM-Trakker on 27th Jan. 2017

The most discussed topic in the geothermal energy industry is the „automatic sealing control“. The training deals with the topic and provides background knowledge regarding drilling, grouting, building materials and underground in the context of automatic sealing control. Moreover, the use of the CEM-Trakker is shown and trained with real data and real hardware, so that the use of the system is understood and applied correctly. Further information and the registration (expired) can be found here (german)