_soil & groundwater ~ Allgäu GmbH

- Managing Director,
- Hazard Assessment,
- Certified Expert according to the german law for soil protection (§18 BBodSchG/certification german),
Working Procedures in contaminated sites, - Work- and Safety plans (Expert knowledge according to german regulations contaminated sites (BGR 128/certification german)),
- Sampling of drinking water (Expert knowledge of german drinking water regulations (TrinkwV2001)), Planning and supervision of asbestos-dismantling-, remediation- and maintenance operations (Expert knowledge of german technical regulations for hazardous compounds (TRGS 519))
- Sampling of Waste, material heaps, recycled construction material (Expert knowledge of german law on landfills (DepV),
Expert knowledge of german regulations on sampling material from heaps (LAGA PN98)), - Assessment of fire and explosion hazard during operations on contaminated sites (Expert knowledge of german regulations on operational safety (TRBS 1203 Teil 1))
His Slogan
„Learning is fun!“
Born 1965, married, 2 children
1987 – 1993 University Studies: Geoecology University Bayreuth
1994 – 1998 PhD, Centre for applied Geosciences (Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, ZAG), University Tübingen
1998 – 1999 Post-doc, ZAG University Tübingen, Technology-Transfer
1999 – 2002 Engineering Office, Kempten (Soil- and Ground water protection, Contaminated Sites)
2003 Engineering Office/Technology-Transfer-Company IMES GmbH Wangen
2004 Accreditation as Certified Expert according to german law on soil protection (§18 BBodSchG)
since 2003 _boden & grundwasser~
Location: Sonthofen – Allgäu – Bayern – Germany
- Division Hydrology of the German Association for Geosciences(Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften e.V., FH-DGG)
- Association for Applied Geosciences Tübingen (Tübinger Gesellschaft für Angewandte Geowissenschaften e.V., TGAG)
- Association for Geoecology in Germany (Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland e.V., VGöD)
- Engineering Technology Association on Brownfields e.V. (Engineering Technology Association on Brownfields e.V., ITVA)
- Austrian Association for Management of Contaminated Sites e.V. (Österreichischer Verein für Altlastenmanagement e.V., ÖVA)
- Bundesverband Boden e.V
Family, Mountaineering, Telemarking